Money laundering is an act of converting illegal money to legal money. By illegal money we mean the money which has come from
illegal sources of earning money like smuggling, any terrorist activity, drug trade, etc
A person who is found having money from illegal sources can be made to go to prison, or any other liable punishment. So the persons
or rather criminals try to convert their illegal money to legal money so that their money appears clean which is known as money
The banks have also been directed to look into this matter like if they find any suspicious activity in an account or there is huge
transaction of money from an account, etc.
Placing money in bank accounts, smuggling money to abroad, etc.
Layering Stage: The main aim of this stage is to separate the illegal company from its source. In this stage the money placed ininvestments in share markets, etc.
Integration Stage: Integration means joining. So in last stage of money laundering, the whole illegal money which was divided atIf the money reaches the last stage, it appears to have come from legal sources and does not draw any attention of being illegal money.
To study the issue, in 2002, an act was passed by the Parliament of India called thePrevention of Money laundering Act 2002.According to Section 3 of the act: “Whosoever directly or indirectly attempts to indulge or knowingly assists or is involved in any processlaundering”.
A step to prevent money laundering is Know Your Customer (KYC) policy. The KYC helps to ensure that banks’ services are not