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Published on Apr 3, 2018

It can occur that the bank or any organization or even an individualgoes out of money. In this case sometimes he cannot buy
necessities for him and also it/he is not able to pay off the debts to its/his lenders.
Two terms are used for this condition of an individual or organization. These are



These terms are used interchangeably but in actual they are not synonymous. Let us see what are these terms:


When a person/organization is unable to pay their debts when they become due and payable, it iscalled insolvency.
So it can be said as when the liabilities exceed the total assets.
It is related to the financial state of that person or organization.
Identification: when there is a drop in sales, there are delay in payments, it can be identified that the person/organization might go
to the state of insolvency.
The state of insolvency can be managed by self, outside resources and restructuring schemes. 


When a person/organization is unable to pay their debts when they become due and payable and is alsodeclared as bankrupt by
court, it is called bankruptcy.

A person/organization can also go to court seeking to be declared as bankrupt.
Like insolvency, it is also when the liabilities exceed the total assets or when you are unableto pay off your debts.
It also tells the financial state, but is a legal concept because of the intervention of court.
Bankruptcy cannot be resolved.
All bankrupts will be called insolvent, but not vice-versa. 
